For me stepping onto my path involved moving the old me out of the way…sidestepping her…finally stepping out from her shadow. She’s still with me — at least the aspects of her that I want to be with me.
She's been affectionately named “Corporate Candy”. Corporate Candy has a purpose. She’s driven…organized…opinionated…forceful…knows her mind and speaks it. She doesn’t take shit from anyone and she does what it takes to get the job done.
She used to be the dominate personality. She was in control of everything and everyone. While she served me well in my old world, there’s less of a role for her to play in my new one…correction, less of a role I want her to play in my one.
This new world…my path…requires a softer touch. It’s the flow of the feminine that I’ve finally tapped into. It doesn’t require me to give up any of my power – if anything, I may be more dialed into my true power than I ever have been. What it does require me to give up, though, is control….and I’m ok with that….most of the time, anyway.
Going with the flow means letting go. Being open to what comes up and figuring things out on the fly sometimes. It means allowing the people in my life to be who they are without trying to change them. Focusing on all the beautiful aspects of their being and looking past the imperfections…or seeing the perfection in the imperfection. And that includes when I look at myself.
Rather than bringing a harsh glare to life, I’m working to soften my gaze. I’m definitely still a work in progress. I mean, Corporate Candy still shows up…and when she does, I simply acknowledge that she’s there and ask myself whether it’s an appropriate place for her to be. If it is, she can stay…with supervision, of course. If it’s not, I ask her to take a step back…to soften her approach…to breathe.
I’m sure it’s no surprise that the farther I get from my old job…and my old life…the less frequently Corporate Candy pays a visit. Someday, she may not show up at all…at least not without an invite. Oh, won’t that be something?!?
Until then, cheers to Corporate Candy for doing such a great job leading me to my path so the true me could step forward and begin walking it.