First things first. To trust yourself and claim your crown, you've gotta know yourself & your relationships.​
Look up your card & cosmic vibes below. Dive deeper by getting the guides.
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colorful & to the point
Meet the oracle deck that’s on a mission to help you take charge of your life & rule your world. Straight-up answers with a side of cosmic insight, thanks to cardology. Plus, you can play cards with this lightweight deck. Inside, you’ll get a link to the digital guidebook with deep dives on each card & introspective questions galore.

the energies behind your relationships
The energies between you and another person are in your cards! And you can't change that, but you can learn to work with them. Get an in-depth profile of your Cosmic Vibes including pro-tips, playlists, how the energies affect how you feel in this relationship and how to deal with it!
The cards (or Cardology or the Cards of Destiny) is the astrology and numerology of the playing cards. (Yes, those same cards you play go fish, solitaire and poker with.) Each day of the year has a card assigned to it along with the hand that goes with that card. Yep. The hand you were dealt. Or rather, the hand your soul dealt you. Cardology can help you understand what your soul was trying to achieve when it chose this blueprint for your life.
The cards can tell you about different areas of your life:
Your personality, soul purpose and what you are here to learn. Learn more about this on your card’s page by looking up your card here.
The obstacles and opportunities you might experience during each year of your life
The energies between you and another person (card) or your cardology compatibility. Just like you can’t escape being your card, you can’t escape these energies, but you can learn how to manage them. Your Cosmic Vibes tells you more about the inherent energies in your relationships. They describe how compatible you are according to cardology. Or learn all about how the cards influence relationships in this course.
Cardology incorporates astrology, numerology and archetypes into one streamlined system.
Each card in the hand is in a different planetary position (such as Jupiter, Mars, etc.). Discover how to analyze your hand in this course.
The numbers (Ace to Ten) relate to traditional numerology. The Jack, Queen and King are related to the archetypal energies of Prince, Queen and King.
Cardology also relates to the calendar itself. The 52 cards equal 52 weeks in a year. 12 court cards = 12 months of the year. 4 suits = 4 elements & 4 seasons. 13 cards in a suit = 13 lunar cycles.
The suits of the cards are associated with the seasons and the tarot:
Hearts represent childhood, spring, water & cups
Clubs represent school-age years, summer, air & swords
Diamonds represent earning years, fall, earth & pentacles
Spades represent the wisdom years, winter, fire & wands