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be your own guru ~ queen of spades

Two of Spades Oracle.png

central themes

- take ownership of your life
- align thoughts and emotions
- rely on your instincts
- self-mastery
- look at patterns
- get organized

be your own guru

Your experiences right now are showing you that you are solely responsible for the circumstances of your life. Take time to look around at where you place blame or rely on others’ advice to make decisions. It’s easy to look outside to know what to think, what to believe, what to do and so on. You are the decider-in-chief of your life. You are your own guru, and it’s time to start relying on your own instincts. Take ownership of the choices you have made. Notice how the alignment of your thoughts and emotions create your reality.

queen of spades

The Queen (mastery) of Spades (physical realm) means you are being called to self-mastery regarding your attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and so on. You may need to work hard to clear your emotions and thoughts from what is holding you back. With the Queen of Spades on your side, all of this inner work is guaranteed to bring you success, but it may not be easy. Alternatively, it might be time to get more organized! And/or you may be thinking about taking on the role of coach or mentor. Go for it!

dive deeper

1. Have you been feeling unfulfilled lately? What sort of repetitive thoughts have been running through your head? It may be time to do some deep digging to get to the bottom of how you got here in the first place.
2. Do you rely on and act upon what others think? What fear do you have about trusting your own instincts over what’s considered ‘normal’ or ‘the right way’ to do things?
3. Have you been considering mentoring or coaching? Brainstorm about how you can help others.


This card could indicate a person in your life who is the Queen of Spades. This card has just one birthday:

January 2

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