Today started with a genuine curiosity about what I wanted to focus on during my morning meditation.
As I sat looking out my window, I simultaneously heard the word "contemplate" & "love". . . but not as a suggested focus or statement. No, more like two separate considerations vying for my attention at the exact same time.
If I'm honest, I was a bit embarrassed to consider meditating on love (again). I've done it so many times that I felt I should try to focus on something less trite.
So as I sat awaiting new inspiration, a big beautiful cardinal flew right in front of my window & perched on the deck directly in my line of sight. Clearly a sign, so I looked up its spirit meaning. Get ready. . .
"Cardinal spiritual meaning is that of love. This spirit animal wings its way into your life when you are on the horizon of a new relationship or other significant event filled with romance."
Love. Ha! Well played Universe. Well fucking played. . . but wait, there's a twist to my discovery. . .
Love used to be something I felt I was chasing. . . or that I needed to be properly positioned & prepared for.
Noooow, I realize that love is all around me & within.
Like today, we went paddle boarding at one of my favorite lakes in South Carolina on my new #highsociety boards. It was so fun. I love being in water. I missed the freedom of having my own boards.
On the way back, I realized how much water I've managed to call into my life (Sauna House, The Grove Park, Jocassee, WNC, etc). I'm regularly able to submerge myself. . . clear. . . & recharge.
I became hyper aware of how something I love (water) is all around me & so accessible whenever I want it. . . which is precisely how & what love is.
Every event in life should be filled with romance. . . with love of self. . . or an experience. . . or another human.
So the result of my experiential mediation today: I choose to be in love with my life. And today was such a perfect expression of that lovely easy feeling. ❤️