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Holding divergent emotions

Candy Irven

Updated: Jan 24

2024 was packed with unexpected twists & turns & turmoil. It was also packed with moments contemplating how life could possibly get any better than it was.

As a result, November & December brought to the surface profound bouts of grief… sadness… & rage. So👏🏽much👏🏽rage👏🏽

But rather than pushing it down or holding it back or prescribing the ‘right’ way for it to come forward, I allowed it to release in whatever way felt best.

Swearing… fist pounding… yelling… ugly crying… laughter… all mixed together to create a symphony of emotions that Mozart would have been in awe of.

But always, just below ‘the crazy’ (I say that because that’s what releases like this are often labeled as, even though they are probably the most sane thing a human can do) was always a deep sense of peace.

A knowing that even though things didn’t make sense in the moment… they would.

Even if that meant simply clearing the emotional remnants of those unexpected twists & turns & turmoil to create the space for peace & hope & joy to re-emerge.

It’s still early days, but what 2025 has illuminated for me is the ability to hold divergent emotions at the same time.

I can be both sad & happy… distraught & composed… lonely & connected… disappointed & optimistic… emotional & at peace.

As the roller coaster of emotions that wrapped up the year’s end final slowed, a sense of calm settled in.

I had purged the disappointments leaving space for only a peaceful feeling to emerge.

As we continue on this journey of unknowns, remember the duality of experience. We can simultaneously feel the pain… & the healing. We can feel the chaos… & the clarity. We can be both pissed… & at peace.

Pay attention to what you chose to release & what you chose to hang onto. The choice truly is yours.

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